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CU Band 64 Registration Site



June 2019 - August 2019



CU Band 64th anniversary is a homecoming event for Chulalongkorn University's Jazz Band CU Band alummni. As a CU Band member who happens to know how to build web application, I was requested by alumni to implement registration website for the event. So, I took the opportunity as a good practical experience for developing application for clients. The application was not only designed for registering the event, but to record data for participants too. After listening to the requirements, I started working on prototypes of the app right away.

During development of the prototype and initial testing, there were a lot of comment and concerns from the stakeholders (Seniors/ Event organizers) as most of the user would not be as tech-savvy and might find using the web application difficult. Because of that, extra attention has to be put to make the web very simple to use.

During registration period, there were a couple of problems here and there but those are within control and resolved quickly.

Along with development of the website, I also have to trained the event staffs how to operate the website, as there will very like be a lot of people attending who haven't registered beforehand. The registration and checkin process went smoothly with occasional hiccups but overall the feedback from the stakeholders were positive and we were about to record data for 200+ participants.


  • Event Registration
  • Bank Transfer Receipt upload
  • Confirmation Email
  • Event Manual Check-in
  • Event QR Code Check In
  • CSV data Export


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