


School Work


2020年 1月 - 2020年 4月



Joint class group project for 3 subjects: Software Engineering, Database Systems and ICE Capstone. The task is to create a solution/product for a smart city. Our group consist of 10 people and we chose to do a project about making Hostels smart. The ecosystem consists of many different applications including: Reservation site, Back office website, Backend, Kiosk and Smart Door lock. Several progress report has to be submitted and the prototype of the system would be presented at the end of the semester.

I was responsible for frontend website of the project which includes Reservation site and Back office. Both are built as a single page application (SPA) with React, Mobx and Formik. The implementation is done with focus on UX and usability in mind.

Along with developing features on the frontend side, I manage the project as a project manager. Organizing meetings, catch up with different teams, managing deadlines and getting the reports/assignments ready to submission albeit everyone having their own busy university schedule. Lots of project management methodology such as scrum and agile were also used extensively. The project was a success and received high marks from the professor.


  • Reservation Site
    • Search Available Rooms
    • Payment
    • Register/Login
    • Email Verification
    • QR Code key to operate with the smart lock
  • Back office
    • Check reservations
    • View rooms check-in/ check-out status
    • View Analytics


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